Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) is an inspection method for the detection, sizing and monitoring of flaws in new construction, in-service welds and components. The technology is designed with multiple ultrasonic elements to electronically modify the acoustic transducer characteristics which creates ultrasonic beams that can be manipulated and focused compared to conventional ultrasonic methods. Transducer modifications are performed by introducing time shifts in the signals sent to and received from individual elements of an array transducer. This technology provides accurate discontinuity and defect measurement of complex geometries, and can be used either manually or automated.
PAUT is an approved code-compliant NDT method used as an alternative to radiography for materials from four (4) mm in thickness on small-bore to larger piping butt welds and pressure vessel welds designed to most construction codes. Note that thicknesses below eight (8) mm may require additional calibration and technique verification depending on part geometry. The inspection process enables reduced inspection time by simultaneously collecting multiple angle ultrasonic data in a one pass scan from either side of the weld.
The analysis software allows technicians to evaluate multiple welds zones from multiple orientations. PAUT is often complimented by using other ultrasonic conventional and/or TOFD methods.